Monday, November 17, 2008

Hearing and Emotional Health

Is there a link between one's hearing and emotional health? Ask any ENT or audiologist and they will assure you that there is a direct link between the two. Sound strange? Perhaps, but let's delve deeper. Suppose you are surrounded by loved ones, your spouse, or even your pet; You can hear them talking, but you're unable to make out the words. Yes, you could could ask them to repeat what they're saying, but who wants to have to ask someone to repeat things constantly?

This is a common occurence among many people with hearing loss. At first it does not seem like a big issue, but as time passes and hearing worsens, the loss affects many people. The person with hearing loss often becomes isolated, not wanting to burden or annoy people by asking them to speak louder or repeat themselves. Family and friends feel helpless and sometimes annoyed by the fact that this person cannot hear them. There have been various studies showing that people with untreated hearing loss can become emotionally isolated, depressed, have lower self-confidence, and strained relationships.

It is important to treat hearing loss sooner rather than later. The sooner hearing loss is treated, the sooner it can become normal or almost normal again. You wouldn't go without glasses or contacts just to "wait it out" until you really need them, so why would you "wait it out" until your hearing can no longer be improved.
Visit Healthy Hearing for more information on the detriments of hearing loss.

Hearing Center USA offers discreet, high-end, state-of-the-art hearing aids at affordable prices. Don't hesitate to get a hearing aid today.